
From Jobs to Revelation… Emakina’s sneak preview film evening celebrates innovation

Author: Alex Papanastassiou

Yesterday in Kinepolis Brussels, some 220 guests participed in Emakina’s sneak preview of ‘JOBS’, with Ashton Kutcher in the role of the talented guru entrepreneur.

This social event comes at a time in which the digital world seems to be spinning around ever faster. Every day a new power play confronts the main actors on the global stage, with news on innovations, investments, new products.

Emakina CEO Denis Steisel welcomed the audience and just for fun set up a small texting conversation with the late Steve Jobs, who answered questions from somewhere ‘in the cloud’.

Cinema_EmakinaPopcorn and happy faces at Kinepolis Brussels



An online chat with Jobs, somewhere in the cloud


Then the movie showed how innovation and change are necessary ingredients for success, with Jobs as the madcap entrepreneur challenging status quo and me-too thinking. Even if  this new ‘Jobs’ film is all about the Cupertino story, it allows the audience to go back in time and take a look at how not so long ago innovation was perceived as an enemy of growth and positive quarterly results.

The legacy of Jobs is that he moved innovation and inspiration to the heart of business. And what was  true for him then, now is part of business life across the world. At Emakina, we live and breathe this will for the best with our customers, the dayly dare to go further and change the landscape we live and work in.


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